TICKETING POLICY AND Terms and conditions

How to visit

We need to manage visitor numbers on site, so access can only be gained by purchasing a Ticket. You can purchase a Ticket here. You can still buy a Ticket online on the day you wish to visit, although we set day limits to manage numbers. Tickets can also be purchased at the Ticket office using card payments, subject to availability. To avoid disappointment due to lack of availability, we recommend booking your Ticket online in advance. Members do not need to purchase a ticket and can just show their membership card on arrival. 

Day Ticket Prices


High Season (1 April – 30 September)

Low Season (1 October – 31 March)




Child (5-16)



Family (2 adults, 2 children)



Family (1 adult, 2 children)



Each additional child with family



Children under 5



Concession (disabled, NHS, emergency services)



Concession (carer)



Members (Season Ticket)



Annual Membership

If you think you might like to visit the site frequently, an annual membership will probably work out as a more cost-effective option for you. 

We believe these memberships offer fantastic value for money and reflect the importance we place on attracting members who understand what we are trying to achieve and who care about preserving the natural beauty of the park. 

Members also receive a number of discounts and promotions which are highlighted on the Membership page. Click here to view

To manage numbers, we will limit the number of memberships which we sell in any year.

Annual Membership

Valid for one year from date of purchase





Junior (5-16)


Family 1 adult + 1 child


Family 1 adult + 2 children


Family 2 adults + 1 child


Family 2 adults + 2 children


Family 2 adults + 3 children


Each additional child with family


Gift vouchers

Gift Vouchers may be bought from the Website or by contacting us at hello@bucklandparklake.co.uk. They may be used for payment for a variety of purposes at the park. See here for more details.

Booking park entry


Entry and parking are free for members. Please bring your membership card with you, as this will be checked on entry. 


Before arriving at the park, you will need to purchase a Ticket, which you can do here.
Visitors with pre-booked sessions at clubs or confirmed reservations at The Reverie should not need a ticket but should check in at the Ticket office on arrival.

All Ticketholders

Please book one Ticket per person, except for children under five, as they don’t need a Ticket.

You can book your Ticket on the day of your visit, although to avoid disappointment, we do not recommend this during busy periods, like summer and school holidays.

Tickets are for your use only and are not for resale. All Tickets are for specified days and are non-transferable.

We will send your booking confirmation/Ticket by email. Please make sure you fill in your correct email address when you book to ensure you receive your confirmation email. If you do not receive this after booking, please contact hello@bucklandparklake.co.uk with your booking details. Please have access to this e-Ticket on your phone. We will need to scan the QR code on your entrance to the park.


The following visitors may enter for a discounted fee:

  • persons who are registered as disabled. Please present your Blue Badge on arrival;
  • registered carers accompanying the individual for whom they are caring. Where acting in a professional capacity, please present your carer’s card on arrival[1];
  • NHS workers. Please present your Blue Light Card on arrival; and
  • emergency service workers and military personnel. Please present your Blue Light Card on arrival.

[1] A carer is anyone, including children and adults who look after a family member, partner or friend (or in a professional capacity) who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support

Club members

Members of The Surrey Hills Adventure Company visiting to attend a pre-booked session do not need to pay an entrance fee. Please stop at the Ticket office however to be checked in. When you have finished your session with The Surrey Hills Adventure Company, you are welcome to stay on site for up to one further hour. If you wish to stay longer, please buy a Ticket. You are welcome to bring other visitors to Buckland Park Lake. However, if those visitors are not participating in a session with The Surrey Hills Adventure Company, they will each need to buy a Ticket.

Members of the Fishing Club and guests accompanying them within the parameters of the Fishing Club rules do not need to pay an entrance fee to visit during the fishing season. Please check in at the Ticket office on arrival, however.

Members of other clubs and attendees of private events should review the parameters of the relevant club or event to check whether a Ticket for entry to the site needs to be bought. Members of all clubs are welcome to buy a Buckland Park Lake membership if they so choose.

Reservations at The Reverie

Visitors with a confirmed reservation at The Reverie do not need a ticket. Tables are limited so you will not be able to make a reservation once The Reverie is fully booked. Your confirmed reservation allows you to stay for up to three hours at the park with complimentary parking. On arrival at the Ticket office you will be provided with a parking badge which you should display in your vehicle. If you wish to stay longer, please buy a ticket.

Charities & Private groups

We welcome charities and private groups. Please get in touch at hello@bucklandparklake.co.uk if you are interested in arranging an event or a group visit.

Refunds and cancellations

Once purchased the dates for which an e-Ticket (day entry ticket or Buckland Rover slot) has been purchased may not be changed, other than at our discretion.

Payments for e-Tickets are non-refundable, except in the circumstances of Buckland Park Lake being closed for the full day on the specified Ticket date or in the circumstances outlined in our refund policy below. We will endeavour to give notice of exceptional closures as quickly and as reasonably as possible on the Buckland Park Lake website.

Once the Ticket holder has visited using the e-Ticket purchased it will be void and cannot be used again. Tickets are only valid for the period specified on the Ticket.

Subject to availability, you may change the date of your visit without charge if you notify us up to 48 hours before your visit (or Rover slot). If you need to cancel within 48 hours of your visit, we may not be able to change the date of your Ticket. If you want to cancel your visit within 48 hours of arrival, you will need to email us at hello@bucklandparklake.co.uk including the date of your visit and booking reference in the email title.

Bookings with our site partners, such as The Surrey Hills Adventure Company, are subject to their rules on ticket changes and refunds. We are not responsible for making refunds on bookings you have made with our partners.


There is no charge for parking. If you travel by bike, on foot or public transport you will receive a discount of £2 for one adult Ticket (£1 in low season). If you subsequently decide to drive, please pay the additional £2 (£1 in low season) at the Ticket office on arrival.


Bushcraft activities for children at The SHAC Viking Camp should be booked in advance here. Further information can be found via this link to The Surrey Hills Adventure Company site.

Opening hours

Please see our home page for opening times. Opening times may change seasonally or as a result of events taking place at Buckland Park Lake.

Last entry will usually be one hour before gate closure.

Low season hours or days may be curtailed and we may close in extreme weather conditions or where disruption beyond our control has occurred.

Some private events may take place outside times when Buckland Park Lake is open to the public.

On occasion, sections of the site may be closed to protect flora and fauna, for private events or for maintenance.

What to expect from your visit


To help keep our visitors, staff, volunteers and local communities safe, we may need to make changes, in which case your visit may be a bit different to what you’re used to. We need your help to enable us to keep the park open safely, so we’d be grateful if you could follow the guidance on our website.

When you arrive

Before you arrive please have the QR code and reference number on your Ticket ready to show our staff either on your phone or a printed copy of your Ticket. If you’re a member, please have your membership card ready. 

To keep visitor numbers at a safe level, the layout and flow of the car park may change from time to time. Please look out for staff and any signs around the car park.

If you arrive without a Ticket, please buy one at the Ticket office.

Camper vans that are used for transport are welcome but are not permitted to stay overnight. At this time, we’re unable to welcome caravans and we ask groups arriving in coaches to liaise with us at least 24 hours ahead of scheduled arrival.

During your visit

We have recently opened and are working hard to establish new trees and plants and complete finishing touches. Please bear with us, as it will still take a little time to have the park looking exactly as we would like it to.

We ask you to respect the flora and fauna.

Caring for these places of beauty takes hard work, and with your ongoing support, we’ll be able to continue to conserve Buckland Park Lake as the beautiful place that we all love. It’s thanks to your cooperation that we’re able to look after this historical and natural haven for everyone to enjoy.

Park rules

We ask you to follow a few basic rules during your visit:

  • we ask for no one under the age of 16 to arrive unaccompanied by an adult;
  • due to the wildlife and nesting birds at various times of the year, we have to say no to dogs or pets (except registered support dogs);
  • due to planning restrictions and out of respect to our neighbours, no amplified music is permitted on site;
  • no climbing of trees or cliff slopes;
  • please keep to all designated areas and paths;
  • no barbecues;
  • no picnics in the restaurant or terrace area;
  • no fireworks, smoke bombs, blades, flammable liquids or other items that may cause injury;
  • once on site, no skateboards, rollerblades, roller-skates, bikes, scooters and other forms of personal transport (excluding those for disabled visitor access such as wheelchairs and personal mobility vehicles);
  • no drones;
  • litter must be taken home wherever possible or otherwise deposited in waste bins provided;
  • gates will close each day at set times and all cars should be removed from the site prior to closure
  • no swimming (other than as part of booked session with The SHAC); and
  • no smoking in the woodland areas.
  • Please keep your personal belongings with you at all times. Security will be called if you leave your items unattended.
  • Multiple bags or very large luggage items encroach on the space available to other visitors. Please be considerate to others and avoid taking up more space than you need.
  • For the comfort of all visitors, smoking of e-cigarettes or other products that produce a vapour or smoke are not allowed inside our buildings.
  • On some days we may close certain areas of the park to visitors and may hold private events for organised groups only. This is to maintain the tranquillity of Buckland Park Lake and also allow some private events to take place. Please look out for notices on the website and on-site; these give you more information about closure times and any restrictions.

We reserve the right, in our absolute discretion, to refuse entry to or to remove from Buckland Park Lake, any person. This includes, but is not limited to, a person who:

  • has behaved in a manner which, in our opinion, has, or is likely to, adversely affect the site or the safety or enjoyment of other visitors;
  • has used threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour or in any way provokes or behaves in a manner that may provoke a breach of the peace; or
  • is or appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

To prevent prohibited items from being taken into Buckland Park Lake, visitors are admitted subject to a condition that, if requested to do so, they will allow themselves and/or their belongings to be searched by our staff.

To make Buckland Park Lake enjoyable and safe for everyone we ask visitors to please:

  • respect nature by avoiding pulling, digging, removing or tearing plants or trees;
  • respect other visitors by keeping mobile telephone volumes low;
  • obtain our authorisation before filming or taking photographs of the site for public broadcast, commercial purpose or student projects;
  • not throw any article which could cause injury or annoyance to visitors; and
  • adhere to signage throughout Buckland Park Lake.

There are no facilities for the storage of luggage at Buckland Park Lake. Buggies and pushchairs are left unattended at their owner’s risk and any containers left unattended may be removed for security reasons. We accept no responsibility for damage to or loss of personal property brought into Buckland Park Lake.

From time-to-time, we or other authorised parties may carry out photography and/or video recording and/or other monitoring (including by CCTV cameras) at Buckland Park Lake, which may feature visitors. By accepting these terms and conditions, the visitor agrees that Buckland Estate or any authorised party may use such images in perpetuity in any promotional, advertising or publicity material in any format whatsoever. The visitor further agrees that copyright in these materials rests with Buckland Estate or such authorised party (as the case may be). The visitor agrees also that these images may be used to monitor security and safety within Buckland Park Lake.

Health and safety

Of paramount importance is that parents/carers take due care and attention of their children, particularly near water. Please ensure all rules posted near the lake are followed.

Lost child

If you have lost your child or come across a lost child, please alert a member of staff as quickly as possible. Any lost child who we find will be taken to The Reverie until reunited with their parent or carer.

Children’s playground

Our playground has been built to conform with British and European safety standards. However, parents or carers must supervise children at all times and in the case of an accident, first aid kits are available at The Reverie and The Outdoor Activity Centre.


Floating life belts are positioned at multiple positions around the lake, should anyone fall into the water. If you see anyone in difficulty, please alert staff as a matter of urgency.

To swim at Buckland Park Lake, you will have to join the Open Water Swimming Club run by The Surrey Hills Adventure Company. Lifeguards will only be attending to The Surrey Hills Adventure Company’s activities. No other swimming is permitted at Buckland Park Lake. If you want to join a session run by The Surrey Hills Adventure Company, please follow this link to their site.

Children will be able to enjoy the water in our freshwater splash pool. During busy times, we may need to limit numbers of children in the splash pool with a coloured wristband system. Parents or carers must keep children under supervision at all times. Please could children wear zinc only sun screen.


This was a working sand quarry for over 40 years until the 1990s and there are parts of the site where some hazards still exist, notably the deep water and the high sandy cliffs. As a result, we ask you to remain on paths and designated trails. There are signs at various points around the site, limiting access to areas that could potentially be dangerous. Please do take note of these and follow them to the letter.

The areas over which you can roam, along with our designated trails, are shown on our map, displayed near the carpark. This map will also be sent with your Ticket, for you to save onto your phone. It’s very important to stick to these routes and locations as in other areas there are holes, ditches, as well as places where vegetation could cause injury. The cliffs are sandy and must not be climbed on as they are vulnerable to slippage.

Terms & Conditions

Please see our website and Terms & Conditions and Privacy and Cookie Policies, which also apply to you and your visit.

We wish you a pleasant and safe visit!

Ticketing Terms and Conditions

In using this service, the purchaser (“you” or the “Purchaser”) agrees to the wider Terms and Conditions of usage of the Dungates Farms Ltd website https://www.bucklandparklake.co.uk/.

Dungates Farms Limited (“Buckland Estate”, “we” or “our”) and any authorised agent and distributor appointed for the purpose from time to time (the “Online Ticket Agent”) sell and issue tickets for entry (the “Tickets”) to Buckland Park Lake.

Issue of e-Tickets

Once a booking has been confirmed the e-Ticket(s) will be sent to the e-mail address specified. It is your responsibility to check prior to purchase that the information supplied to Buckland Estate in respect of the e-Ticket requirements is accurate. Buckland Estate is only responsible for issuing e-Tickets in accordance with the information you provide.

At the time of purchase, you and if specified the recipient of the Ticket will be provided with a booking reference number. Please keep this separate from the e-Ticket, as in the instance of lost or deleted e-Tickets the Ticket holder will not be able to gain entry to Buckland Park Lake without the booking reference number.

You must not resell, auction, donate (other than to the named gift recipient), offer for sale or advertise Tickets for sale via the internet or elsewhere.

Tickets must be bought or obtained only directly from us or any Online Ticket Agency we may appoint for that purpose. We reserve the right to refuse to sell or distribute to individuals, companies or agencies who we suspect have resold, or intend to resell Tickets or who we suspect have otherwise contravened, or intend to contravene, the conditions.

A Ticket obtained in contravention of the conditions, or which in our reasonable opinion is being used or is intended to be used in contravention of the conditions, shall be void.

All rights conferred or evidenced by such Ticket shall be nullified. This may include you being refused entry, or the Ticket being cancelled, without notification. No compensation will be provided and we reserve the right to withhold any refund. Any person seeking to use a Ticket obtained in contravention of the conditions whether used in order to gain access or remain at Buckland Park Lake will be a trespasser and will be liable to legal action and subject to ejection

Tickets remain our property at all times.

You must not use Tickets as prizes in promotions, hospitality or travel packages, auctions, lotteries or competitions (including charity auctions, lotteries or competitions) without our prior written consent

Ticket Purchase, Refunds and Validity

Once purchased the dates for which an e-Ticket has been purchased may not be changed other than at our sole discretion. Payments for e-Tickets are non-refundable, except in the circumstances of Buckland Park Lake being closed for the full day on the specified Ticket date or in the circumstances outlined in our refund policy below. We will endeavour to give notice of exceptional closures as quickly as reasonably possible on the Buckland Park Lake website. Once the Ticket holder has visited using the e-Ticket purchased it will be void and cannot be used again. Tickets are only valid for the period specified on the Tickets.

On arrival at Buckland Park Lake, the following will be required in order to validate an e-Ticket purchased through this website:

  • a legible print-out of the e-Ticket or by showing the confirmation email or Ticket QR code on a mobile phone, which will be scanned. Failure to bring either of these may delay the admission process. Please note that, if using a mobile phone, the Ticket holder must also bring with them the reference number in case of poor reception at Buckland Park Lake entrance;
  • we reserve the right to charge the normal Buckland Park Lake admission prices to any persons not able to validate their e-Ticket in the above manner but who still wish to enter Buckland Park Lake;
  • please note that all Ticket prices are subject to change without prior notice and may vary through different sales channels (e.g., website and at the Buckland Park Lake entrance); and
  • any additional persons wishing to enter with a holder of an e-Ticket will be required to pay the admission prices as stated at the Buckland Park Lake entrance.

Refund Conditions

  • Only the original purchaser of the Tickets is eligible for refunds;
  • in the instance of Buckland Park Lake being closed on your planned day of visit, you should email us at hello@bucklandparklake.co.uk within seven days of the day concerned to discuss a refund. Where a refund is due and in accordance with the provisions above, refunds will be made automatically by us or the Online Ticket Agency, using the original payment method (i.e., direct to credit / debit card account);
  • Ticket holders will not be eligible for refunds if Tickets were purchased from any other source other than through Buckland Estate or the Online Ticket Agency including but not limited to unauthorised ticket agencies, exchange websites or other sources;
  • refunds will only be given on Tickets according to the terms and conditions;
  • we shall not be liable for loss or damage of any kind whether direct or consequential, including but not limited to travel expenses, car parking fees and catalogues and you and the Ticket holder waive all rights of whatsoever nature against us, the Online Ticket Agency’s, its employees, servants, agents, independent contractors or representatives in respect of injury, death, loss or damage arising from or pursuant to the e-booking or any visit to Buckland Park Lake. Nothing in the terms and conditions shall exclude or restrict liability for personal injury or death due to negligence

Our partners: if you have booked with one of our partners, such as The Surrey Hills Adventure Company, your contractual relationship lies with them. It is your responsibility to liaise with the relevant partner and to address any issues you may have in relation to your booking, including any refunds, directly with them. Buckland Estate takes no responsibility for the actions or omissions of our partners or other third parties.

Members Terms and Conditions

Membership is for your use only and is non-transferable. Corporate memberships are not transferable outside the group of individuals expressly nominated by the corporate member.

Your membership card;

  • is not for offer, sale or other transfer
  • is not for use in promotions, hospitality or travel packages, auctions, lotteries or competitions (including for charity) without our consent
  • remains the property of Dungates Farms Limited
  • if lost, please inform us at hello@bucklandparklake.co.uk
  • if found, please return to us at Buckland Estate Office, Lawrence Lane, Buckland, Betchworth, Surrey Rh3 7BE

Promotions and offers

  • Please read the terms and conditions provided for any promotions or discounts before purchasing e-Tickets
  • Many promotions are only redeemable at certain times and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount

Classes of Ticket Holders

For the purpose of Ticket sales, the following definitions apply:

  • an Adult is a person aged 17 years or over
  • a Child Ticket is valid for a person aged from 5 years to 16 years (inclusive). A child aged 4 years or under is admitted free. Children will not be admitted without an adult
  • a Family Ticket is for two adults and two children aged from 5 years to 16 years (inclusive). A separate Family Ticket for one adult and two children aged from 5 years to 16 years (inclusive) is also available. Additional family child Tickets, with the discounted rate are available at the park entrance on arrival
  • one registered carer accompanying the individual for whom they are caring is admitted free of charge. Although there is no charge, a Ticket should be booked online or acquired at the Ticket office on arrival. A carer is anyone, including children and adults who look after a family member, partner or friend (or in a professional capacity) who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support. Where acting in a professional capacity, the carer should present their carer’s card on arrival.

Access to Buckland Park Lake

  • Buckland Park Lake is open all year round. However, due to exceptional circumstances (for example, extreme weather, power cuts or matters beyond our control), the site (or parts thereof) may be forced to close
  • From time-to-time, we may be forced to amend or cancel advertised events. If the Ticket holder is coming for a specific event or activity, they must check the website or where relevant the partner website before they visit to check if there have been any event changes or cancellations
  • The visitor must check with us before visiting to ensure that the site is open by checking the website
  • Opening times vary throughout the year. Check the website for more details
  • The last admission to Buckland Park Lake is one hour prior to the advertised closing time of the site
  • Re-entry to Buckland Park Lake for members is only permitted with a Ticket valid for the day of your visit. Non-members’ Tickets are single entry only

Data Protection

We are committed to protecting your privacy and security. Whenever you provide personal information, Dungates Farms Ltd will treat that information in accordance with its Privacy Policy and current UK data protection legislation.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These terms and conditions, their subject matter and their formation (and any non-contractual disputes or claims) are governed by English law and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales

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